Friday, June 5, 2009

Doggy Appetites

Earlier this week I spoke with my parents who told me a story about our dog, Cooper. Apparently, he got into a pan of brownies left out on the counter. He was completely fine and didn't get sick (chocolate is poisonous to dogs), but the story got me thinking about doggy appetites. 

It seems that all the dogs my family's had are chow hounds. They are always looking for little snacks to steal whether it be from our kitchen or where they're dog kibble is kept. Just reading the ingredients on dog food, I can see why they would be so hungry. Iams dog food's ingredients read like a gourmet selection: with beef, lamb, fish, even sweet potatoes and rice! That's more than my mom cooks when I come home from school!

I have to be honest, when I was a little girl I was tempted to eat dog food, and in fact, I did. Well, I only had a small piece of kibble and I thought it was disgusting, but with ingredients like those, it's no wonder dogs are always wanting to eat more. And with such adorable faces it's even easier to give into temptation and feed them treats all day.

But a note of caution, while most dog breeds are active and have metabolisms that keep them in relatively good shape, it's very easy to overfeed your dog and cause it serious harm.

Cooper, my dog I mentioned earlier, had an accident when he was a puppy. We noticed that his belly looked distended and he seemed lethargic and a little out of it. So we rushed him to an emergency vet clinic, anxious to find out what was wrong with him. Well it turned out his bloated belly was fully of kibble. Five times more than what he should have eaten. We figured that he got into our ferret's food. 

Although we were obviously relieved he wasn't seriously injured, the vet ended up pumping his stomach because she said that stretching out the stomach too far could tear it or push into other organs. 

But an even bigger concern with giving in to your pooch's tummy growls is the weight concern. Dogs may whine and act like they aren't hungry, but they will be absolutely fine. If you're not sure how much is too much, ask your vet what is the appropriate amount of food given your dog's breed and weight.

For example, we feed Cooper twice a day. However, our previous dog, we gave him a larger portion of food in the morning and he would nibble on it throughout the day. Each dog is different but it's best to stick with a regiment so you have a healthy and happy companion!

Caption: This picture was taken at the Furry Skurry in Dayton, Ohio. You can read more about it from my previous post!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Q&A with Professor Virginia Hall

The following is part of an interview with Ohio University professor Virginia Hall. She teaches a society and animals course that explores the relationship between humans and animals.

So, in your own words, what is your definition of anthropomorphism?

Well anthropomorphism was developed as one way to characterize how people describe animals. If you are accused of 'anthropomorphizing,' this means you've given human traits or characteristics to an animal. For example, if I said 'Gosh my dog is so bored today' that would be an example of anthropomorphizing because being bored is a human emotion.

So you can describe any animal without anthropomorphizing?

It can be a fine line. But saying something like "my dog is hot" may not be anthropomorphizing because it's been proven that when dogs pant, it's a way for them to cool down. But again, people who take a very strict or narrow definition of it would still say that's anthropomorphizing. 

We seem to be talking about dogs a lot. Is that usually the animal that is anthropomorphized?

Not necessarily, anybody can describe any animal as having human emotions, but pets, especially dogs seem to be anthropomorphized the most.

Why is that?

Well, they are our campions. Dogs, or wolves, have been with us for hundreds of year. It's easy to describe an animal like a human if it's been a companion for that long.

What are other ways dogs can be anthropomorphized? Like dressing them up?

That's one example. Anthropomorphism goes beyond just describing a dog like a human. You can also treat it like a human by dressing it up in human outfits, feeding it people food, and overall treating it like a little furry person.

This seems like a new trend. I mean, I don't remember things like doggy daycares or crazy pet outfits until the last few years.

Well yes, doggy daycares are a new thing, but people, ladies especially, have been dressing dogs up way back in the 1800s. Their dogs had their own handkerchiefs and even little boots to wear.

What was the point of all that?

It was another status symbol of the aristocracy. It showed you had so much money to spare that you could even afford fashionable outfits for your dog.

The rest of professor Hall's comments about the consequences of anthropomorphism are in an earlier post. Check it out!

Photo Caption: Bo, the Obama's family dog is seen playing with a ball outside the white house. (AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Puppy mills

The above video is a clip from The Oprah Winfrey Show, when Lisa Ling did an expose about the problems with puppy mills.

Here in Athens, Petland is rumored to get its puppies from mills, although its Web site claims all their puppies are healthy.

Rumors or not, the horrors of puppy mills are something most people are either unaware of or ignore. Puppy mills, or puppy farms, are large commerical dog breeding facilities. On the surface, this may seem legitamate. Puppies are always in demand and this is a way to monitor breeding of those puppies. But it's how the operators go maintain these facilities and treat the dogs that draws criticism.

Dogs are cramped into tiny cages, with little to no chance of exercise, socialization, a decent diet, and certainly no love and affection from humans. As the Oprah Winfrey video showed, these female dogs are used only for breeding and usely are discarded once they can no longer produce puppies.

These puppy mills stay in business because thousands of pet store purchase their puppies from them.

But some groups are trying to help.
The Humane Society has an entire Web page devoted to education and elimination of puppy mills. First and foremost, people need to be informed that this is a real problem across the country. Also, boycott pet stores that sell puppies. Here in Athens, that can be difficult because in a rural area, there are fewer options for pet supplies, but you can at least try to limit your purchases. Although every pet store denies they use pet stores, ones that sell puppies are obviously the only ones that would purchase puppies from pet mills. You can also contact your local congressperson or senator.

An interesting suggestion the Humane Society reccommend to pet stores is rather that selling commercial puppies, bring in dogs or puppies from local animal shelters or rescues.

The trend seems to be that puppy mills will continue until there is drastic legislation to change such policies, but as with any change, people can help out by starting where they are.

Consider other methods of purchasing puppies, like a shelter or rescue, and pick locally owned pet stores to shop for supplies.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pet places around Athens

The following map has a list of places to take your dog or other pets for that matter. Some of them include parks, pet stores, kennels, and shelters.

View Pet places in Athens, Ohio in a larger map

Thursday, May 21, 2009

When "man's best friend" goes too far

Man’s best friend has gotten an upgrade: trade in that nylon collar for a diamond-studded necklace and do not forget to put a coat on Fiddo before dropping him off at daycare

Society has found new ways to treat their pooch like their child, friend, or even spouse. But tendency to humanize these dogs puts them and humans at risk.

What's anthropomorphism?

More than 63 percent of households own a pet, which equates to 7.1 billion homes, according to the American Pet Products Association’s 2007-2008 national pet owner’s survey.

Pet owners spent more than $2.9 billion on pet services such as spas and daycares in 2007-a growing trend, according to a report from the American Pet Products Association

A 2008 study by the University of Chicago shed some light on this humanization phenomenon called anthropomorphism--when objects are given human attributions or characteristics.

The study found that more and more people are creating human relationships with their pets and other objects.

The researchers concluded that non-human-human relationships provide the same psychological and emotional benefits as human relationships.

So what's the problem?

Although this study found several benefits from humanizing pets, Ohio University professor Virginia Hall said she has some doubts.

"The problem is that owners start to think of their dogs as little people with fur rather than what they are: animals," she said.

Hall, who teaches a society and animals course, said that while dogs have had a strong relationship with humans for hundreds of years, it wasn't until society used dogs as companions and show pieces that both humans and dogs began to suffer from humanization rather than benefit from it.

“Dogs do want to satisfy humans, but will never be able to when we set such high expectations for them,” Hall said, adding that these expectations include making a pet a best friend, child or partner.

When dogs can't meet those human expectations they begin to feel anxious, which can lead to chewing on furniture or losing their appetite, she said.

Hall acknowledged that while there is some evidence to suggest dogs feel human emotions like pain, joy, and sadness, but these emotions are on a more basic level.

The problem occurs when humans begin to exaggerate these emotions.

“Owners come to rely on their pets as more than their animal and when pets can’t commit we get upset with them,” Hall said.

But dogs also physically suffer. When owners begin to think of their dog as a person they forget what their dog needs as an animal like exercise and socialization with other dogs.

“We have to love and care for our animals, but not expect more than they can give,” Hall said.

What can be done?

To the credit of humans, Hall said society is appreciating pets more and taking better care of their needs, yet she remains convinced no good can from humanizing pets.

Dogs or any other pet can never be a substitute for human relationships no matter how much you dress them like a person or think they understand what you’re feeling,” Hall said.

So while Fiddo may be the best-dressed pooch on the block with his suede collar and leather boots, he still lifts his leg to go the bathroom and greets others with a sniff of their behind.

And that behavior has yet to be accepted in human society.

What do you think? Anything wrong with treating your pooch like your best friend?

Photo caption: Softbank Corp. TV commercial model Kai the Hokkaido dog, wearing Japan's third biggest mobile carrier's baseball team the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks' cap and uniform, poses next to a new handset held by U.S. actor Dante Carver, unseen, during a press event in Tokyo Tuesday, May 19, 2009. (AP Photo/Itsuo Inouye)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Web site Review:

I wanted to critique a Web site that wasn't associated with a company or strictly a listing of different dog breeds, so I found, which as the name states, is all about the creator's love of dogs.

I first noticed the top banner, which had cute cartoon like drawings of dogs and owners. I also noticed the homepage had a lot of ads, mostly for dog food or other dog supplies. I like all the color, but it might need to be a little bit better organized. My eye tends to wander all over the place rather than following some sort of order.

I do like all the different linked sections to the Web site on the left side of the screen. This user really created a one stop shop type of Web site for all different information about dogs from breeds, food, toys, training, even dog software.

Also, the creator has tons of links to other Web sites that this one doesn't cover. That's a great way to network and helps users out if and may keep them coming back because they know this site will direct them to other resources. The creator has really thought of a lot of stuff and some of the topics and links gave me ideas for my own blog posts.

One thing I would suggest is to have a central photo or slide show below the banner that helps grab the reader in and gives them a starting point. Right now the dominant photo is an ad for Walmart, but it would be nice if it were just a standard photo.

Overall though, I think the Web site content is great, it just needs a little more work on the lay out and design.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Furry Scurry 5K Walk

My previous blog post was a slide show of photos about the Furry Scurry 5K Walk to benefit the Humane Society of Greater Dayton held May 9.

Although I didn't walk, I stopped at one of the watering stations to take photos of the dogs and look for my mom and dog, Cooper, who managed to get through the whole walk without stopping!

The Furry Scurry is an annual event held all over Dayton and attracts hundreds of people and dogs. Dogs of all shapes, sizes and breeds turned up from Irish Wolfhounds to Chihuahuas. Some other animals turned up to support the Humane Society including a cat in a stroller, a goat on a leash and even a Macaw!

But not every doggy was cut out for 3.1 miles; some decided to plop down in the grass and wait for volunteers to drive them and their owner to the finish line.

Volunteers were also on hand to be dog holders, so if any owner needed to stop and use the bathroom, someone was around to take care of their dog while the owner uses the bathroom.

However, not all dogs participating in the walk had owners. Dogs from both the Humane Society and SICSA, a dog and cat shelter, were in the walk wearing "adopt me" vests. Hopefully some of these dogs were adopted.

I saw a lot of really different dogs and an incredible amount of support from dog owners and sponsors for the Humane Society. I definitely want to participate next year and recommend anyone else in the Dayton area coming out as well!

Note: My camera batteries died before I could get more photos but check out this slideshow from the Dayton Daily News.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Furry Skurry Walk

The Furry Skurry was a 5K walk to support the Humane Society of Greater Dayton. The slideshow is a collection of photos taken at one of watering stations for both the dogs and owners.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Experience at the Athens County Dog Shelter

I took an hour out of my day to learn about the Athens County dog shelter and I wanted to share my experience. Unfortunately, the dog warden wouldn't let me take any photos, but I saw dozens of absolutely beautiful dogs and it made my heart break.

Most of the histories of the dogs there are unknown, but many show signs of abuse. One young Jack Russell Terrier mix named Sweetie (pictured above from the shelter's Web site) especially caught my eye--she was very affectionate but every time I reached down to pet her, she would cower and put her tail between her legs. One volunteer told me this was a sign that she may have been hit frequently at some point before she arrived at the shelter.

But Sweetie is just one of 24 dogs and one puppy currently housed at the shelter who's waiting to be adopted. As I walked by cage after cage, I couldn't imagine why these dogs couldn't find a home. Obviously not everyone wants a dog or their landlord doesn't allow pets, but these are absolutely wonderful dogs and for a bargain. Dogs at the shelter cost only $65; puppies at Petland other pet stores can cost hundreds of dollars. Even more alarming is that many pet stores are linked to puppy mills.

Also, Athens County (and really everywhere else in the United States) has a problem with too many dogs and not enough owners. I wrote about this in my first blog post, but it needs to be stated again. Rather than buy from a pet store, choose a dog that actually needs a home.

Not only are owners saving the dog they choose to take home, but they're also opening that spot for another dog. The Athens County shelter can hold about 45 dogs, but space is cramped and there are not enough foster homes for the dogs to temporarily stay.

As I left the dog shelter with woofing dogs and whining puppies, I saw a family coming in to adopt a dog. The young boy there had a huge smile on his face and although I was still feeling melancholy, I realized there is some hope. For every dog that is dropped off at the shelter, one will soon be adopted.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Making your dog mind its manners

All of the dogs my family has owned went to school--obedience training, actually. It may sound like an added expense, especially considering professional obedience training can cost $40 to $125 for four to six weekly classes. But it's an expense worth taking.

We've all been around those crazy dogs that jump, constantly bark, or are all together wound up without any sort of control from the owners.

I found some tips about obedience training that I'll share with you.

Dogs need structure and commands to follow. Although tasks like sit, stay and lie down seem arbitrary, they build trust between dogs and and their owners. Dogs like to be rewarded for their good behavior, but without proper training, they won't know which behaviors are appropriate and which are not.

Just like people, dogs don't like confusion. They need to know their place, which means they respect their owner(s) as the boss.

Also, for owners with kids, having an obedient dog will help them feel more confident with having the dog around kids. This extends to other dogs or pets in the family too.

Additionally, there is a sense of satisfaction when you give your dog a command and he or she actually obeys. How impressed will your friends be when you tell your dog to "shake" and he just does it!

Training can seem overwhelming, but it's important to make it fun for both you and your dog. Be sure to reward your dog with treats and praise for good behavior. Also, never, ever hit a dog. A simple scold or nudge will do when your dog needs his or her behavior corrected.

For information on local obedience classes, try your local humane society or pet store. There are also hundreds of "Do-it-yourself" books out there if you don't want to spend the money on an instructor. Or, if you're more of a TV person, check out "The Dog Whisperer." The host of the show, Cesar Millan, can do some amazing things with out of control dogs.

Just because dogs are animals, doesn't mean they can't learn to mind their manners.

Note: The photo was taken from the Associated Press wire service. The caption reads: Chenwei Hsieh and his dog "Juicy" go for a bike ride along Richmond St. in London, Ontario, Canada on Saturday, May 2, 2009. Instead going for a walk, Hsieh takes a leisurely bike ride while "Juicy" runs behind him. When she's tuckered out she hops on his back and enjoys the ride home. (AP Photo/The Canadian Prss,London Free Press-Derek Ruttan)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Athens County Dog Shelter Benefit Concert

Tomorrow night Donkey Coffee and Espresso is hosting a benefit concert for the Athens County Dog Shelter and Friends of the Dog Shelter--a network of volunteers that fosters dogs or places them in no-kill shelters.

The dog shelter has struggled with providing extra services for the dogs like flea and tick medicine and spaying and neutering. Any puppies they receive are given their first round of shots, but the shelter can't afford any additional medicines they may need if the puppies or dogs are sick.

But the proceeds from the concert would help pay for those services and to the volunteers of the Friends of the Shelter, who use their own personal money to pay for the dogs.

One of the organizers of the event is a senior Ohio University student who volunteers a few times a week to walk or play with the dogs. She also said the dog shelter needs things like towels, blankets, food, and cleaning supplies in addition to monetary donations.

Dogs at the shelter cost $65 with their licenses, which is an excellent bargain compared to dogs found at the pet store down the road. My most recent dog was a rescue from a shelter and he is an excellent dog--even if he isn't a pure breed.

The concert begins at 8 and the line-up includes:Kaslo, Run_Coward, Michael Rinaldi, Erin Schroettinger, and Death Beef.

The cover is a $4 donation. I plan to be there with and I'll hopefully use the pictures from the concert in a slide show.

If you want more information read Friday's edition of The Post, where I wrote a preview story about the concert.

This is definitely a great cause and I hope many students (and their moms) come out!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Blog Review: Vick Dog Blog

I wanted to take a moment to review another dog blog. I immediately found the Vick Dog Blog, which chronicles the life and events of the fighting dogs from Michael Vick's dog fighting circuit.

Although the subject is very serious, I was so pleased to find that someone was taking the time to explain what happened to those dogs. Obviously the Michael Vick dog fighting case created a huge media storm, but very little attention was paid to what actually happened to the dogs once they were rescued. Most of the dogs have attended some sort of obedience or behavioral school. All of them are socialized with other dogs and people, and one is even a therapy dog.

I also liked how the blog was "written" by 11 survivor dogs. It may seem a little corny, yet it adds a personal and emotional touch to a very serious topic. Although the writing is certainly conversational, it borders on too informal.

The posts also include photos, external links and even videos. One post had a series of photos with though bubbles so it looked like a comic strip. I also liked the photos of each of the "dog writers." Once again, this adds a personal touch to the entire blog.

I would suggest the writers start mixing up some of the posts by writing as humans or maybe even writing about other cases of dog abuse that was not the Michael Vick one.

Overall though I thought the blog was really interesting and it gave me some ideas for my own blog--like adding some more photos of dogs and perhaps adding a blog post about dog abuse.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Dogs Are Not Good College Roommates

I love spring on Ohio University's campus. Summer is in the air and everyone is in a better mood now that they can shake off the winter blues and cold weather. I also hate spring on this campus. It seems like everyone suddenly feels the need to get a puppy and parade it around on anywhere people might be able to "ooo" and "aww".
I understand that pull to get a dog when the nice weather starts. What's a better way to greet spring with a dog where you can run around, play catch or just lounge in the grass. .
But the novelty of owning a puppy can quickly fade, especially when you have to walk it, clean up after it, feed it, brush it, take it to the vet, and attempt to give the same love and affection it gives you.
When I see these puppies happily rolling around in flower beds, something tugs at my heart. Usually, that something is sadness and even pity. What happens to that little yorkie or dalmation when its owner moves out of his or her house at the end of the school year? Can it come along or is it shuffled to someone else's house or worse yet, given up to a shelter?
Owning a dog in college is selfish and ultimately hurts the relationship between canine and owner.
Perhaps I'm being too pessimistic and that dog will lead a happy life, but I think there are much better alternatives for college kids wanting to scratch that puppy itch.
Why not volunteer at a local animal shelter? These facilities can always use extra hands to take the dogs out to play  while their cages are cleaned. Even if you can't take that floppy-eared dog home with you, you are giving it an extra 30 minutes of love it wouldn't have gotten before.
If that isn't long term enough, what about using your place as a foster home? If you can't keep a dog long-term, providing a foster home allows for some dog to stretch its paws of out the shelter, open up space for another dog and give you a companion without worrying about what to do with the dog.
There are other animal alternatives too. What about a fish or cat? Either way, dogs are companions that need long-term, responsible care--not college roommates.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Maybe You Should Get A Dog

What a terrific video to kick off this blog! What a cute but important message to give to viewers during the super bowl. The ad encourages dog adoption, but I can certainly identify with some of those characters with my own dogs' behavior.

Before I can discuss some of the aspects of the dog-human relationship, I have to strongly encourage people to get a dog. Cats and other pets are fine too, but I am "dogcentric." The first step to enjoying the companionship, love and loyalty a dog brings, you first have to get one.

Unfortunately, millions of dogs are abandoned each year. With too many careless owners who are too busy, tired, sick, whatever--most shelters are stretched beyond capacity and are forced to euthanize a majority of dogs if they can't find a home for them in a couple of weeks.

But there is some hope. It's now easier than ever to adopt a dog with all its medical shots and spaying/neutering completed for a fraction of what pets stores and breeders would cost.

People are willing to spend thousands of dollars on little baubles and gadgets, why not on a pet that will always be happy to see you, never complains, and gives constant love and attention.

I encourage people to take a step back from acquiring the most extreme, exotic or outrageous accessories and make a home for a friend.
So maybe you should get a dog.